
Curious sayings

Jon:  "I'm so hungry I could eat a hobo."
Robert loves playing Laser Tag, but he likes the post game analysis even more.
According to Robert, the Chinese Food Network controls everything, including what music he plays during piano practice.

Penelope Sniffsalot, Smell Detective

Jon said "Robert's bedroom smells like it needed a breath mint".  The Smell Detective is on the case.

Gosh darn it you kids!

Jon and Robert were playing yesterday, when I heard Jon say, "Come back here you whippersnapper!"

More highlights of 2012, so far

Robert was using the Ipod after me and asked, "Why did you look up a meme? You aren't interested in memes." "How would you know? You aren't with me twenty four hours a day." "Of course I am,"he chirped.  Damn you, summer vacation. It has been a long day, but I was in the home stretch, with one boy in pajamas and the other in the tub. Then the boy in pajamas got back in tub, while still wearing his pajamas.  Said his brother offered him a cookie. Jon won the Young Author's Conference contest for his classroom, and got to go the the city-wide Young Author's Conference. On his name tag he wrote, "Jon lol"