
Showing posts from May, 2007

Sir, yes sir!

We were attending a meeting on campus for Robert's summer camp. It was held in the ROTC room, and had Army posters on every wall. The camp counselors were introducing themselves, and as one young man was saying his name, Robert yelled out the message on one of the posters : "Are you Army strong?" I believe he said "No", but we were all laughing so loudly I'm not sure.
Jonathan had picked up something off the floor and had it in his mouth (yuck) . It turned out to be bits of carrot. I asked Jonny if he'd spit them up. He said "No, down."

Such good manners

Jonathan has developed really good manners. I asked him to clear his place at the dinner table, and he said "No thank you!"
Robert took both of these pictures.

What a sweet little malingerer!

We've been asking Jonathan to clear his dishes after meals. He always answers "No, can't do it!" I decided to ask him why, and he coughed and said "Sick".

Darn it!

Robert was asking me what we were having for breakfast: waffles, french toast, or pancakes? When I told him we were just having cereal, Jonny said "Darn it!" I laughed way too much at that, and now "Darn it!" is a regular part of his vocabulary.

Bad boys, bad boys..

We were riding in the car when Robert started talking about calling "Bad Boy Control", and how "Bad Boy Control" had its headquarters in one of the buildings we were driving by. Since he had just kicked the back of my seat for the umpteenth time that day, I assumed "Bad Boy Control" was for him. It turns out that Jonathan had "been bad for sixteen minutes", and he was the one in need of control.

The saga continues

Robert, the master negotiator, has taught his young protege well. I asked Jonny to put his shoes under the blue table. He said "No--over the blue table". I also told him that he needed to do three things before he could watch tv, and he said "No--two".