
Showing posts from February, 2009

Baloney-full boy (or is it bologna?)

Robert has figured out that my memory isn't always in tip-top shape, so he's begun to use that to his advantage (or at least try to). He needed to think up a question for a school assignment and I was to write it down. After much discussion about how he didn't have a question, he suddenly said, "But I told you my question! Why didn't you write it down?" I told him he was full to the brim with baloney.

My secret identity revealed

Jim stumbled upon a secret I've kept for several months. I have an alternate email address. It is The name made me laugh when I first thought of it, so I decided to claim it as my own. And I'd really like to have a bumpersticker that says "My child is an evil genius at Burris Laboratory School"

What sort of shampoo do you use for brainwashing ?

Jon has been completely brainwashed by TV. (And whose fault is that?) I was complaining because I had forgotten to return DVDs to the library, and would have to pay a dollar fine for each one. Jon piped up, "With Netflix you don't have any late fees."

Middle-aged and happy

We were waiting on Robert to get out of school, and Jon was sitting in the front seat with me, looking in the rearview mirror. "Look at me--so young and happy", he said. Then we had a conversation about whether I was young and happy.

Pre-Valentine's Day flattery

Jon had just had some cinnamon sugar toast. After he washed his face, I told him, "Looks like you washed your sweet cheeks". He said "You are a sweet chick."

Right back at ya

Jim and I traded cars. I had an appointment, and he was taking the boys home. They pulled behind me and I waved. I found out later that Jon said "Looking good, mom!" when he saw me wave.

What a Babarious language!

Here's a gem from Jim: To mention another neat thing the boys have been into, they've both been really into the Babar book. I think we read the whole book together over a two week period. Yesterday I got one of the stories in the original French on interlibrary loan and read it to them. Robert was fascinated. Jonathan said I was "blowing his mind" and begged me to read it in "a better language."

Booger brothers

We were having a lazy Saturday morning, and Jonathan was laying in our bed. He said "My boogers are asleep". Well, I thought that was a good thing for them to do, but apparently, they had other plans. He proceeded to tell me all about the day the "Booger Brothers" were having: eating breakfast, playing video games. No mention of cleaning up their room.