I was pushing Jon on a swing, when he called out "More salt!. I pushed a bit higher. After a minute, he called out "More pepper!" I pushed a bit higher. Then he said, "Hot sauce!"
I asked Jon to put his dirty clothes in the hamper (full disclosure...that was one pair of sweatpants and one sock). He said, "Why do I have to do all the chores?"
There is a place in the Children's Museum where parents can take pictures of their kids, with the kids face as the center of a flower. Jon put his face through, and growled, "I'm an angry flower!"
If the boys have to fight about things, I guess fighting over apples and "Scientific American" are okay. I still don't understand the grudge match about AT&T versus Comcast.
We were at Minnetrista and Jon walked up the admissions counter and said, "I want a hot dog with extra ketchup." When they didn't have that, he said (gross out alert), "I want a kleenex with extra boogers." Fortunately, they know us there.
Jon tried to open a heavy door at the Children's Museum. I thought maybe he hadn't seen the sign, so I said, "The sign says 'Push'". He said, "It should say 'Push with all your might'".
Jon shared some of his Easter candy from preschool with Robert. Robert very politely said, "Thank you for sharing." Jon replied, "You're like a brother to me."