The kid wants a bigger slice

Imagine my surprise this afternoon when I get a call from a man claiming to be Jonny's agent. Since Jonny is rarely out of my sight, I wondered how and when he might have contacted someone to handle his business affairs. The guy was blunt. "Jonny isn't happy with 8% of the blog. He wants at least 20%"
"But he's preverbal. How much can I do with that?"
"Yeah, he's preverbal now, but have you heard his babbling lately?"
"I admit, his babbling is very cute".
"Cute? He's takes his art seriously. You can practically tell what he's talking about!"
"I can go as much as 12% max. The kid doesn't have it yet."
"But the rosy glow, the winning smile, the kid's a natural born star. You gotta give him at least 18%"
"Tell you what," I said, "when he says "Mama", he can have 15%"
So we reached a deal. I got off the phone to find that Hannah, our 14 year old cat, staring at me.
Like so many times in the past 3 1/2 years, she had been forgotten. I really hope Jonny's agent isn't on speeddial.


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