Banned from the YMCA

It hasn't come to that, but Bobby did: disrupt the "Mat Rats" class by his usual tomfoolery, bean a girl on the head with a hard plastic toy, swipe a piece of chocolate from a little boy, and was about to swing another hard plastic toy around his head when I finally caught up with him.
This all was after the morning, when, in the cold rain, he decided to lead me on a chase around the preschool parking lot.
At dinner I announced I was running away to join the circus.
Bobby replied, "Mommy, you don't have to run. You can just drive your car to the circus."


Anonymous said…'s late, i've promised myself i wouldn't do this (but of course have, and more importantly knew i would ; ) ... waited til the last moment to do my speech for class ...a mere 10 hrs. away, without knowing what to say ...damn citations...freakin' file?......arghhhh....i still have a bit to do (who am i foolin?) ...whereas one link to info i needed was in e-mail...speaker on 'puter is down low...i heard the subtle tone, and caught yer message ...and hit yer blogger link

thanx lass for the strength ta lmfao!

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