Jonathan and his cousin Evan "wrassling" in Arlington Heights, IL. Evan is a superbaby! He's two months younger than Jon, but in May, when this picture was taken, he was already crawling.
It hasn't come to that, but Bobby did: disrupt the "Mat Rats" class by his usual tomfoolery, bean a girl on the head with a hard plastic toy, swipe a piece of chocolate from a little boy, and was about to swing another hard plastic toy around his head when I finally caught up with him. This all was after the morning, when, in the cold rain, he decided to lead me on a chase around the preschool parking lot. At dinner I announced I was running away to join the circus. Bobby replied, "Mommy, you don't have to run. You can just drive your car to the circus."
Robert was using the Ipod after me and asked, "Why did you look up a meme? You aren't interested in memes." "How would you know? You aren't with me twenty four hours a day." "Of course I am,"he chirped. Damn you, summer vacation. It has been a long day, but I was in the home stretch, with one boy in pajamas and the other in the tub. Then the boy in pajamas got back in tub, while still wearing his pajamas. Said his brother offered him a cookie. Jon won the Young Author's Conference contest for his classroom, and got to go the the city-wide Young Author's Conference. On his name tag he wrote, "Jon lol"
I didn't realize that, along with every contagious disease that comes down the pike, that I would also catch the dreaded scourge of whining. I was at the doctor's office yesterday, loaded down with sweet little baby, when the receptionist handed me a three page document to fill out. "Do I have to do it now?" I whined.