When we were on the road to Chicago, we stopped at Bob Evans for lunch. Bobby really didn't want to go there, but he perked up when he was told he could have "Pizza Pizzazz". He got a fruit cup with that, and promptly ate all of the canteloupe (his favorite) out of it. He then stood up in the booth, peered around the dining room and yelled out, "Does anyone have anymore canteloupe?"
Banned from the YMCA
It hasn't come to that, but Bobby did: disrupt the "Mat Rats" class by his usual tomfoolery, bean a girl on the head with a hard plastic toy, swipe a piece of chocolate from a little boy, and was about to swing another hard plastic toy around his head when I finally caught up with him. This all was after the morning, when, in the cold rain, he decided to lead me on a chase around the preschool parking lot. At dinner I announced I was running away to join the circus. Bobby replied, "Mommy, you don't have to run. You can just drive your car to the circus."