
Showing posts from July, 2005
Jonny's love affair with our cat remains unabated. Two of his "firsts" have happened recently, and she was in the mix for both. He crawled for the first time trying to catch her tail, and his first word was "kit".
Jonny, aka Mr. Smiley, refused to grin or giggle during this photo shoot, even with big brother tickling him.
Jonathan and his cousin Evan "wrassling" in Arlington Heights, IL. Evan is a superbaby! He's two months younger than Jon, but in May, when this picture was taken, he was already crawling.
Robert ran into the bathroom and yelled, "Mommy, get Hannah away." Of course, I was in the shower, so I didn't quite catch what he said. I couldn't imagine our cat Hannah doing anything in anyway to provoke Robert. She's spent the last few years huddled under couches and beds, and is finally comfortable enough with him to stay in the same room, curled up in her basket. So I go see what's the matter, and the cat is sprawled out on the floor looking very comfortable. "Robert, what's the matter? Hannah's not bugging you." "What's Hannah doing? Why isn't she in her basket?" he said. "What's she doing? She's all stretched out and comfortable." I realized the child must never have seen the cat actually relaxed before.

You're blowing my mind, man

I was trying to convince Robert that he'd had enough computer time for the day. He said "I need more time and space."

Some people just don't like children

We were at a McDonalds when Bobby, Robert, whatever his name is, decided to run off. I caught up to him just as he was asking a man for one of his french fries. The man might have looked less disgusted if a rat had skittered across the table.

My sweet little psychopath

Robert has invented some novel ways of saying "I hate you". He has threatened to sell me on the Internet, cook me, and knock off my head. (Not all at the same time.)

I hope the buyer wasn't

Bobby has decided he would prefer to be known by his real name--Robert. I asked him what he did with his nickname, and he told me that he sold it on the Internet.