
Showing posts from August, 2005
Jonny doesn't care that the bakery made a mistake.

To dream the impossible dream

I thought it was quite a coup that I found car-shaped candles for Robert's birthday. He said for his next birthday, he'd wants helicopters. At least I have a year to look for them.
Robert talks all day long, and his voice gets higher pitched the later in the day it gets. By bedtime, it can hurt the ears. I'm convinced the kid probably talks all night, and we just can't hear it, but the neighborhood dogs probably can.

Afraid of the hairy, hairy future

Jim and Robert were wrestling this evening, as a manly bonding event, and Robert had his shirt off. Jim decided to take his shirt off too, and Robert said "Daddy, put your shirt back on. I don't want to look at that."

Have you been to the 25th state?

Robert has a poster of flags of the states in his room. He's memorized them, and refers to them numerically. We met someone recently from Missouri, and he said "Oh, that's the 25th state." We had to take his word for it.

Math games

Robert has devised a math game that includes his love of calendars. It started innocently enough--"Mommy, what's 3+4?", "Mommy, what's 85+30?". It has progressed to asking "Mommy, what's January + March?" (Answer: April) "Mommy, what's August - April (Answer: April). Then he starts asking "What's August 2006-September 2005?". That's when I say "I haven't a clue."


I've decided since I won't be having a vacation anytime soon, I might as well have a fake vacation (or fakation--Jim dreamt that one up). I'm not doing anything special, in fact, I'm still doing pretty much the same things I usually do--laundry, cooking, driving the mommobile. The difference is that I say to myself several times a day--I'm on vacation. Just saying those words helps somehow.
Robert is obsessed with numbers now. He likes to ask me how old I was in the past, which isn't so bad, but I really hate when he tells me how old I'll be, oh say, twenty years from now. "Oh Mommy, you're going to be 60!" he crows.