
Showing posts from July, 2007

More Jonnyspeak

Somehow, instead of saying the word "forever", Jonny uses the word "twoever". "Brothers twoever!" is a favorite saying.

Learning Jonnyspeak

Jonathan, like most car-obsessed boys,knows the make of a lot of cars. If he sees a Chevy, he says "There's a Chevy car!" He's also been saying "There's a coffee car!" I didn't figure out until recently that a "Coffee Car" is a Toyota. Apparently, the Toyota logo looks like a cup of coffee to him.

The honeymoon is over

I have been trying to get Jonathan to put on his own underwear. I was getting frustrated, so I said "You better put these or you're going to be in trouble". And that little boy said to me, "No, you're going to be in trouble" JUST LIKE ROBERT.

Burger boy

Jonathan always has a hard time going to bed the first night we are away from home. He was getting out of bed, giggling and saying crazy things at an ungodly hour, when he suddenly said, "Me a burger." I said "Burger, go get on your plate." And the little sweetheart got into bed.


Once , this girl asked for "octarine" jello. This is jello with 8 apricots in it. But as she asked for it her mother said she didn't know what a octarine was. But when the girl said a octarine is 8 apric-ots Her mothers' can of apricots had 8 apricots in it. Now her mother knowed that a octarine is 8 apricots. And a septarine is 7 apricots. And a hexarine is 6 apricots. by Robert H