
Showing posts from 2007

Merry Christmas to You, *******!

We almost got kicked out of our hotel room on Christmas (!!!) because of one 35 lb. boy whose jumping off the bed apparently made an intolerable amount of noise. I don't get it either.

He's got a bright future a waiter

Jonathan handed me his blanket the other day, and said "Here you go--Enjoy!".

I don't think it will fit in a cup of coffee

The whole family went out to lunch at Scotty's Brewhouse today. We got out of the car and were walking toward the restaurant, when Jonathan asked, "Where's Biscotti?"

Robert's newest CD

Robert's newest CD is entitled: "My piece, the liar" Listen to it 2:22 Guy without a nose 1:49 Sweet victory 1:16 ABCD 0:18 Come this way 0:31 My piece, the liar 6:00 Robots are... 1:03 You're a loser 1:11 Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha 1:09 4444 0:07 Do your friend 0:36 Tricks 1:35 The 59's 2:23 Lick 1:07 Unknown 0:31 Go this way 0:08 Won't this way 4:30 Stupid 1:40 Do Do Do Do 0:02 CLAP 5:14 Total 37:16 Liner notes: "Sweet victory" is a cover of a song originally done by Spongebob Squarepants" on his album "The Yellow Album"
Jonathan was trying to decide between two choices, so I told him that he was in "quite a pickle". "But I don't like pickles!" he replied.

Uno dos tres...

Both boys are learning Spanish at school. Jonathan uses his at home quite a bit: uno, dos, tres, waffle...

Blood feud at the lumber yard

Jonathan and I were playing with Fiddlestix, and he pretended to be Handy Manny and I was Bob the Builder. We worked together beautifully, building a new addition to the Muncie Childrens' Museum. Later that day, Robert and Jonathan were playing the same game, except now Bob the Builder was building a death ray to kill Handy Manny.
Robert is crazy about the periodic table, and it has rubbed off on Jonathan. Jonathan's imaginary friend is a three-year old boy named "Sodium"

Song titles

Robert's newest piano composition is called "Turkey Mobile". Not to be outdone, Jonathan composed "Little Turkey".

Mommy's little helper?

Jonathan doesn't like to do chores, whether it's putting away toys or clearing his place at the table. The only thing he does do without complaint--in fact insists upon doing--is dumping out his potty seat into the toilet.

Too bad it wasn't a Krispy Kreme

On this absurdly hot day for October, we returned to our car and Jonathan grabbed his water cup. He took a swig of it and said," and fresh!"

All the compliments have gone to his head

Jonny was washing his face, and when he finished, I said to him "That's a pretty good face" He said "It's beautiful". I did not disagree.


One of Robert's latest songs included the lyrics "Gotta shape up", which he followed with "into a cube or a pyramid".

Robert's First Day of Kindergarten


Hamburger redux

I was telling Jonny that he was my little bun, as in honeybun. He said, "No, Hamburger"

More Jonnyspeak

Somehow, instead of saying the word "forever", Jonny uses the word "twoever". "Brothers twoever!" is a favorite saying.

Learning Jonnyspeak

Jonathan, like most car-obsessed boys,knows the make of a lot of cars. If he sees a Chevy, he says "There's a Chevy car!" He's also been saying "There's a coffee car!" I didn't figure out until recently that a "Coffee Car" is a Toyota. Apparently, the Toyota logo looks like a cup of coffee to him.

The honeymoon is over

I have been trying to get Jonathan to put on his own underwear. I was getting frustrated, so I said "You better put these or you're going to be in trouble". And that little boy said to me, "No, you're going to be in trouble" JUST LIKE ROBERT.

Burger boy

Jonathan always has a hard time going to bed the first night we are away from home. He was getting out of bed, giggling and saying crazy things at an ungodly hour, when he suddenly said, "Me a burger." I said "Burger, go get on your plate." And the little sweetheart got into bed.


Once , this girl asked for "octarine" jello. This is jello with 8 apricots in it. But as she asked for it her mother said she didn't know what a octarine was. But when the girl said a octarine is 8 apric-ots Her mothers' can of apricots had 8 apricots in it. Now her mother knowed that a octarine is 8 apricots. And a septarine is 7 apricots. And a hexarine is 6 apricots. by Robert H

Who knew?

I guess my Mom-style is quirky.

My approval rating is lower than Bush's

Robert has devised a "fairometer" which measures how fair I am. I got a 20%. Jim got a 35 % (oh, and he's funnier than I am too).

How sweet

Robert likes to tease his brother by saying "You don't like Mommy." Jonathan always protests that he does, in fact, like Mommy, and makes a point of coming to me and telling me that he likes me. He likes me! He really likes me!

Sir, yes sir!

We were attending a meeting on campus for Robert's summer camp. It was held in the ROTC room, and had Army posters on every wall. The camp counselors were introducing themselves, and as one young man was saying his name, Robert yelled out the message on one of the posters : "Are you Army strong?" I believe he said "No", but we were all laughing so loudly I'm not sure.
Jonathan had picked up something off the floor and had it in his mouth (yuck) . It turned out to be bits of carrot. I asked Jonny if he'd spit them up. He said "No, down."

Such good manners

Jonathan has developed really good manners. I asked him to clear his place at the dinner table, and he said "No thank you!"
Robert took both of these pictures.

What a sweet little malingerer!

We've been asking Jonathan to clear his dishes after meals. He always answers "No, can't do it!" I decided to ask him why, and he coughed and said "Sick".

Darn it!

Robert was asking me what we were having for breakfast: waffles, french toast, or pancakes? When I told him we were just having cereal, Jonny said "Darn it!" I laughed way too much at that, and now "Darn it!" is a regular part of his vocabulary.

Bad boys, bad boys..

We were riding in the car when Robert started talking about calling "Bad Boy Control", and how "Bad Boy Control" had its headquarters in one of the buildings we were driving by. Since he had just kicked the back of my seat for the umpteenth time that day, I assumed "Bad Boy Control" was for him. It turns out that Jonathan had "been bad for sixteen minutes", and he was the one in need of control.

The saga continues

Robert, the master negotiator, has taught his young protege well. I asked Jonny to put his shoes under the blue table. He said "No--over the blue table". I also told him that he needed to do three things before he could watch tv, and he said "No--two".

Computer geeks

I have created two little computer geeks. Now, when I sit down at the computer, I not only have Robert asking when he can use the computer, Jonathan starts saying "My turn now?" He also says" logon" and "logoff" just as naturally as saying "cat" or "dog".

Changes in store?

I may need to change my blog name to "Sleep Apnea Mom". I had a sleep study done last weekend, so I'm waiting for the results! In the meantime, a funny story from Robert: He was fresh from his bath and had his towel covering his head and face like a veil. He said "I am a secret agent of love--kiss me my darling!" Who can resist that!

No wonder I'm exhausted

Robert finds the most interesting things to argue about. He was playing with a uncooked fettucine noodle. (I know--I know--I don't get that either). Jim, assuming that the broken fettucine pieces were trash, threw them away. That started Robert off--He had to have another noodle! The other noodles were being boiled at the time. Jim found another noodle (somewhere), but it was not long enough! Horrors! I finally got Robert to stop insisting that I go to the store immediately to get more fettucine noodles. He then wanted the lone noodle (the one that wasn't good enough to play with) to be boiled so he could eat it. This after all the other noodles had been cooked.