
Showing posts from September, 2006
Jonathan was having a bad case of the "Nos" this morning. He was sitting on the sofa, crying. I asked him if he wanted something to drink, and he said "No". I asked him if he wanted breakfast, and he said "No." I asked him if he wanted to watch cartoons, and he said "No." Jim asked him if he wanted to just sit there and say "No", and he gave a look of recognition and didn't say no.


Robert's first day of preschool was a big success! He helped clean up toys, and "helped" the teacher by telling her what time it was. The second day, not so much. He managed to say the "f" word three times. At least it was three times in a row, and not over a span of time. We talked about it and decided that he should say a Spongebob curseword when he was angry. The two that came to mind were Fishpaste and Barnacles. Fishpaste was the obvious choice since it is another "f" word.

A little focus is needed

Granted, Robert is just learning how to play soccer, but he did run off the field during the "game" and try to uproot a flag that had been placed in the neighboring field.

My excuse

It isn't like the kids didn't do interesting, funny or just plain weird (Robert) things over the summer, it's just we were together 24/7 and it's not easy to write about people when they (Robert) are in the room reading over my shoulder. Thanks goodness for school, for both the time to write and the material!